Saturday, May 30, 2009

My little plan...

So, my supposed "bestfriend" pretty much told me that perriwinkle is a waste of my time. so i am going to spend the next few weeks testing that out, I'm going to be really forward and someone told me to throw in a jealousy factor?? hmmmmm... i can try it. I'm thining his best friend. hahhaah just kidding. ;)

I am gonna kill "bestfriend" he sucks at the whole, keep things a secret thing . anyhoo, let me know if you have any good guy reeling tips. ;)

happy flirting...

- tootsie[roles]

my lovely friends...

so i love katie bug and christina. KAtie bug is obsessed with tootsie pops! and christina is just a freak.


The Twilight party was fun! About three girls showed up. [plus charlotte and karyl] We watched twilight, played games, and even drank blood. [ red kool-aid. ] anyhoo, this morning, i woke up to christina's retarted dog barking at an Edward Cullen cardboard cutout. and when i went out there, all of the little ladies were up. And we came up with a plan to get rid of them early... christina had to meet up with her grandpa at noon and all of the girls had to be gone by then. :)

Soooo-- one of the girls mom's got pissed off because it inconvienced her. [ even tho ibrought her daughter home.] and she talked to my mom. so, now i am grounded for a week. only to church and home that's it.

After the little hellions left, we went and got steven then we went to teh beach. it was fun. we swam out really really far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then, we came home and watched two movies. [ Davinchi Code and Slumdog millionaire. ] they were both good.

now it comes to now where i mindlessly gossip about the ppl i am surrounded by.

So, Drama Mama hanna is a WHORE!!!!!!!! She is trying to hook perriwinkle up with a girl who dosen't even like him and she is doing it baceuse she is a really bad friend. she can't keep up with her own "relationships." [ i guess you can't include the one whit an adult. little homewrecker. ]
anyhoo, she told kaylae that her and joseph were dating... HAHAHAHAH. even if it is true, it won't last. she's caught up on a person who is way to old for her.

There was this girl that was at the party. Let's call her catwoman. SHE IS SO STRANGE!!! The weird comments, hanging out in dark hallways, and sitting ont he toilet for two hours screaming about ppl wispering about her. Well-- DUH! If i were that weird, i wouldn't be surprised if ppl laffed at me. She told us that she isn't boy- crazy because she is a cat person... yeah, i know. God bless the poor dude who she decided to mate with her. :D

Sampson came to the beach with us and you know what... it was pretty fun. He has turned out to be a really cool guy. :) GO CHRISTINA!!!!!!!

twilight party. :)

For my sixth grade girls, we had a twilight party. it was amazing. im really tired and don't feel like typing so read later and i'll keep ya'll posted.

peace, love, vampiers....


Friday, May 29, 2009


suck. and so do crappy friends. like charlotte... or**ahem!**

i can't think of a code name cas she sucks so badly. she should just shut up and let ppl live their lives.

she made out with her brother....

my friend slut, made out with her brother!!! ha hahahaha anyhoo, that was a lie. Her mom is harassing her about it! she made out with her boyfriend!!! and if you dont know who he is then you can SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonite is the Twilight party for my sixth grade small group. YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Perriwinkle is ahhhhh- dorable and can't wait to see him n sunday. ♥

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

boring day today, innit?

Good Morning, Bloggers!

It's a gorgeous flordia day and you know what..... I HAVE NO PLANS!!!!

There is lifehouse tonite and i garuntee it will be amazing. But what about during the day today??

GAH! PErriwinkle is so fine. ha ha ha had to throw that one in there. The drama mama is back... for now. She was there lastnight. And so was blackie. ha hah i really need a hobby. Uhm... let me see... nothing really interesting happened. Ann came lastnight also. Drama mama came up with another lie her first day back... that joseph wanted to ask out Alex. GAH! i could kill her and throw her body inth a lake. lol.

anyhoo. i don;t relly feel like doing this, but i am bored and it needed done for my folowers..

love you all-

Friday, May 22, 2009

prayer for summer oh!9

I need to be broken, Lord Jesus. So, come and break me... break me down to my knees. I'm crying out!

I will preach it to the masses, i will teach it in the classes, to the passers on the wayside... to the ones that have no place to hide.

send me.

* this is an excerpt from a worship song written by my good friend, Matthew Colegrove.

I have been doing a lot of thinking about this today...


I'm having a God moment here. And i love it.

This is my prayer for summer oh!9.

- chelsea.